I'm an opportunist. For those of you that know me, this statement isn't a surprising assertion. However, I have realized that I'm of the passive sort. I often wait until the last minute to make decisions, thereby maintaining my options for as long as possible. All doors are open until I make a decision, at which point the other doors close and I'm left with only one way to go.
This method of decision-making usually ends in positive results for me. I can wait until I have the best information before I pull the trigger. I'm flexible to take advantage of new opportunities that avail themselves late in the decision-making process. Some says it's my Irish luck, others say things just work out for me.
In our travels, this meant that we could adjust our schedule based on how much we actually liked a location, rather than being stuck to a pre-determined plan, largely based on information gathered from outside sources (books, websites, and friends recommendations)
After our first day of skiing in the Dolomites, we changed our schedule to stay here for 5 weeks. |
The flip side of my passive opportunism is that the lack of commitment also means I miss out on certain opportunities or have uncomfortable, immediate "unknowns" in my future. I guess I've adapted to this and don't stress out about what's going to happen next. But that's a very self-centered position, as a lack of plan often stresses interactions with my friends and family.
This too was evident during our great journey, and I was slightly embarrassed at times. I am deeply indebted to the many people who adapted to my un-scheduled itinerary.
Is it bad that I'm opportunistic? It is who I am. I can't change myself. I have to be honest about that and embrace it.
At some point you just have to go for it. |
Can I improve? Absolutely. This is where I have to focus on being active, not passive, about my life. I can't wait for the opportunities to open up before me. I have to keep doing what I'm passionate about, and then the opportunities will follow. They'll be more frequent and more fantastic than just receiving what comes my way.
To help me achieve my progress, I need to surround myself with people who will help me along my path. This doesn't mean that I need their blind support, as that might make me complacent. A diversity of outside influences and a little agitation is generally good.
Finally, I have to focus on being thankful for all the good things in life. Everyone has the capability to do this. Can you imagine if we all make this a habit?
In summary, here are a few important things that I've learned from traveling and in the previous six months of re-entering "civilization."
- Get to know yourself
- Be honest about your character
- Embrace your strengths and flaws
- Surround yourself with people who will help you achieve your goals
- Have gratitude for the goodness in your life
How Did I Get Here? And Why I am in this Handbasket?
Sometimes if feels like we're far away from where we're going.
In the previous six months, or even year, I've applied to nearly a hundred jobs and find myself lucky to get an interview. It's been a very difficult time for me, thinking that nobody wants me. My 10 years since college have led me nowhere. I have nothing to offer our capitalist society. Or so it feels.
K has been pushing me, gently but consistently, to stop waiting for someone to pay me to do something I want to do. Instead, I have to pursue my passions, thereby making myself more attractive to my next employer. As counter-intuitive as this sounds, I'm going to spend less time looking for a job and more time doing things I love - blogging, volunteering for the environment, photography, and being active in the community.
So, check in regularly as I'll be posting about our current adventures in skiing, hiking, and now running ultra-marathons, plus more about our food, exercise and other lifestyle choices. Join me as I stop waiting for perfect and start making it happen.
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